Boxes-: Boxes are pre built virtual machine images or packages running on any operating system.
Vagrantfile - describe the type of machine required for a project, and how to configure and
provision these machines.
provision these machines.
NFS -: It is used for sharing folders between host and guest machines.default vagrant
sharing mechanism are used .
sharing mechanism are used .
vagrant init -: Initialize Vagrant with a Vagrantfile and ./.vagrantdirectory,
using no specified base image. Before you can do vagrant up, you'll need to specify
a base image in the Vagrantfile. I rarely initialize Vagrant this way.
using no specified base image. Before you can do vagrant up, you'll need to specify
a base image in the Vagrantfile. I rarely initialize Vagrant this way.
vagrant init boxpath -: Initialize Vagrant with a specific box. To find a box, go shopping.
When you find one you like, just replace it's name with boxpath. For example,
vagrant init chef/centos-6.5. This is how I typically initialize Vagrant.
When you find one you like, just replace it's name with boxpath. For example,
vagrant init chef/centos-6.5. This is how I typically initialize Vagrant.
vagrant up -: Boot the VM's specified in your Vagrantfile. Equivalent to pressing the
power buttons on your "servers."
power buttons on your "servers."
vagrant ssh -: Open an ssh session to the default box specified in your working directory's
Vagrantfile. If you only have one box in your Vagrantfile, that's the default one and this command
will ssh into it.
Vagrantfile. If you only have one box in your Vagrantfile, that's the default one and this command
will ssh into it.
vagrant ssh boxname -: If you give your box a name in your Vagrantfile, you can ssh into it with
boxname. Works from any directory.
boxname. Works from any directory.
vagrant destroy -: Stop and delete the default VM. The next time you vagrant up, the VM will be
created from scratch.
created from scratch.
vagrant destroy -f -: Vagrant does this annoying thing where it prompts you before destroying a VM.
-f is short for force, which will destroy the VM without confirming first.
-f is short for force, which will destroy the VM without confirming first.
vagrant box list -: See a list of all installed boxes on your computer.
vagrant box add -: Download a box image to your computer.
vagrant reload --provision -: Run provisioners without halting the VM and running vagrant up.
vagrant halt- : use to stop virtual machine in your system
vagrant suspend-: used to suspend(stop virtual machine at specific time) and during start it will
get started from point where it was stopped.
get started from point where it was stopped.
vagrant destroy -: used to stop & delete virtual machine from system.
vagrant reload -: used if you made any changes to vagrant file , and refreshing/reloading the vagrant
to reflect new changes.
to reflect new changes.
vagrant ssh -: using this command you can login/enter into virtual machine.
Port Forwarding - : port forwarding is basically used mapping/executing/running the application on
same port outside the virtual machine.
same port outside the virtual machine.
For Example- If you are running an application in vagrant(VM) and looking to run on localhost then you
need to do port forwarding i.e. basically mapping the port for VM & localhost.
need to do port forwarding i.e. basically mapping the port for VM & localhost.
Steps to setup vagrant >>>>>>
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install vagrant
sudo apt-get install virtualbox
sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-serve
sudo apt-get install nfs-common
vagrant init
vagrant box add ‘box_name’
Note : If you have already downloaded then can add box like:
vagrant box add ‘box_name’
Add config in Vagrant file: = "box_name"
config.vm.box_url = " " specify if exist else blank.
vagrant up
To enable NFS, add the following to your Vagrantfile:
# Required for NFS to work, pick any local IP :private_network, ip: ''
# Use NFS for shared folders for better performance
config.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', nfs: true!msg/openedx-ops/KWz4d6Mawz8/Fr8vwD_nHAAJ;
OpenedX Documentation
Edx Task :
1. What’s openedx?
The OpenedX is a free and open source course management system (CMS) based edX.
The OpenedX platform is used all over the world to host Massive Open Online Courses
(MOOCs) as well as smaller classes and training modules
The OpenedX platform is used all over the world to host Massive Open Online Courses
(MOOCs) as well as smaller classes and training modules
2. What’s
Edx is basically a education tools given by MIT & Harvard university for providing free online
courses and education from best colleges & university that contains LMS, Studio, discussion
Forum etc.
courses and education from best colleges & university that contains LMS, Studio, discussion
Forum etc.
3. What's main repositories for openedx ?
edx-platform is main repository for openedx.
4. Experience on those repositories , technologies, django app structures ?
Most of the server side code in Open Edx projects are written in python using their framework Django
. The structure of django project is as usual and it using the edx-platform(build in django) components
as a module in django project.
. The structure of django project is as usual and it using the edx-platform(build in django) components
as a module in django project.
5. What’s Xblock ?
It’s a combination of courses in multiple formats like Videos, Text, Images, Animated etc. There can
be multiple XBlocks that can be used as a plugin in your application.
be multiple XBlocks that can be used as a plugin in your application.
6. What’s architectural structure of openedx ?
The OpenEdx architecture is basically get configured while while running the vagrant up, it will install
all the required packages specific to your application. So it ensure that VM/environment is ready to
use. And by executing provision it will be ensuring that edx-platform(Mostly python application) is get
configured. Edx-platform is acting as a central part of OpenEdx.
all the required packages specific to your application. So it ensure that VM/environment is ready to
use. And by executing provision it will be ensuring that edx-platform(Mostly python application) is get
configured. Edx-platform is acting as a central part of OpenEdx.
In Edx-Architecture , the number of tasks are Queued and performed by the help of Celery(To run jobs in background) & rabbitMQ.