Go to vagrant =>
1. In the edx-platform directory:
- cd /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform
2. Run the following Django management command:
- sudo -u www-data /edx/bin/python.edxapp /edx/bin/manage.edxapp lms dump_course_ids --settings aws
- sudo -u www-data /edx/bin/python.edxapp /edx/bin/manage.edxapp lms dump_course_ids --settings=devstack
3. Find the course ID which you'd like to delete in the resulting list of course IDs.
4. Copy the course ID into the following command and run it:
- sudo -u www-data /edx/bin/python.edxapp /edx/bin/manage.edxapp cms delete_course <COURSE_ID> --settings aws
- sudo -u www-data /edx/bin/python.edxapp /edx/bin/manage.edxapp cms delete_course <COURSE_ID> --settings=devstack
- You'll be asked to verify the deletion.
To verify the deletion, run the command from step 2 above and ensure that the course ID is not in the list.
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